Different types of chat status in Svytel

Different types of chat status in Svytel

This article will help you understand the different chat status we use in Svytel team Inbox and what do they mean. #

Status Description
Open Open chats allow for free 2 way communication between users and their customers. Anytime a customer replies to a message or initiates a conversation with your business, it becomes an Open chat.Open chats will expire automatically if it has been 24 hours since the last message was received from the customer.

This is a rule of Whatsapp APIs and Svytel does not have any control over it.

Pending If a reply from a customer is awaited after answering their query, users can set the chat status to Pending.

This will help differentiate between chats that are Open and need user’ s attention v/s those which have been replied to and are waiting for customer feedback.

Pending chats will expire automatically if it has been 24 hours since the last message was received from the customer.

Solved If a chat with a customer is resolved by the user servicing the customer query, the chat can be marked as Solved.

This will help differentiate between chats which are Open and need user’s attention v/s those which are resolved and need not be looked at again.

There are 2 scenarios for chats in Solved status:

  1. Chat is Solved but not Expired: User’s can choose to reopen such resolved chats if the need arises.
  2. Chat is Solved and Expired: If it has been 24 hours since the last message was received from the customer, the chat cannot be reopened and users can only send approved template messages to communicate with the customer.
Broadcast When template messages are sent in bulk to customers using the Broadcast functionality in Svytel, such chats belong to the status Broadcast.

Broadcast chats can move to status Open once the customer replies to the broadcast message

Blocked Users can choose to block some contacts by marking a chat as spam and blocking it in Svytel.  Chats with such contacts will have the status “Blocked”


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